Saturday, January 8, 2011

First, a confession...

                                                        Maggie, Ben and me

Despite the name of this blog, I have never been a member of a book club.  I wish I were. Maybe I should start one.  I love to read (obviously) but more than that I love the idea of sharing the experience of a good book with other people.  The way I feel about a particular book may not be the way that you feel about the same book and I like the dynamic that evolves when people have differing opinions.

I think a book like "Eat, Pray, Love" would be perfect for a group of women to read together.  I recently finished "The Hunger Games" trilogy and I'm dying to discuss it with someone.  The comment it makes about our society is disturbing.  Reading more classic novels is something I want to do and sharing Jane Austen with fellow enthusiasts would make the experience all the richer.  

Also, I have never owned a piece of Chanel.  I do however have an addictive relationship with coffee.

1 comment:

  1. I know you loved "The Help". I'm reading it and when I'm finished...we'll discuss! I'll pay for shipping if you send me "The Hunger Games"!
